Pink Sock Weekend
Pink Sock Weekend - Image

After last year's successful inaugural Pink Sock Day as part of the club's support for Ashgate Hospice, it has been decided to hold a similar event this season on October 12th (earlier this season in the hope that the weather is better than last year!!!!). Last season we raised well over a £1,000 and we are hoping for a similar amount this year.

The Lowry family will again provide pink socks for the Dronfield Squad, Coaching Staff and Ashgate Representatives who are present on the day to present the match-ball to the two captains.

We ask that supporters and officials from both sides wear something pink and also be willing to make a cash donation on the day for such a worthy cause. We have already been in touch with Paviors and they are happy to be involve.

This season for the first time we are extending the event to the following day (Sunday 13th October) so that the Junior and Mini members and their families can be involved. Ashgate Representatives will again attend on this day.

If any member of the club or their family members, whatever age, have any further ideas to increase our donation to Ashgate (i.e. Ollie and his friends made pink wristbands last year, Cookies and buns (pink icing) were also made to sell).

October 13th - Pink Sunday
This year we have decided to extend our event to include a (Pink) Sunday so that Minis, Juniors and their parents from the club can be involved. Ashgate collectors will again be in attendance Once again we ask for supporters and parents to wear something pink and kindly contribute to the collection. It is hoped that with parents permission some photos can be taken for Ashgate publicity purposes

Please contact

Peter Lowry (Event Co-ordinator) on 07951 498284 or email

Further details will be provided nearer the time

Club Sponsors